Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche
its incredible how the human society structure can impact its individual. how far wed go for others, its crazy.and we're actually designed to cope that?! god help us if we dont. strangers or not, we capable of love and be loved. we'd give the world to get love. half of our life sometimes. and trust me it doesnt stop there. a good friend of mine said this. 'love whats keeping men focus and women strong.but it drives the world insane.' as crazy as it is true.

i've been looking for this story all over msia but it aint here. yet? i dont know. but its a story id like to see. another human side told from another window. something that we all have. and experienced. truely as it conveys;

i've been looking for this story all over msia but it aint here. yet? i dont know. but its a story id like to see. another human side told from another window. something that we all have. and experienced. truely as it conveys;
be blessed people
the story ???
u not check or download using U-torrent ???
mcm best jer story tu,hee~
btw..i like ur post above..
double triple meaning..hehe
coming from someone who don't believe in one..nicely elaborated.
oho.thought you died me up sometimes.
well kin.bad thing is, broadband con. are crappy.cant quite do downloading torrent or such.
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