Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eid Mubarak.

Raya hasnt been much for me this time around. Well, it hasnt been for the last few years actually. Except for the food and series of out-of-the-original tv program, theres not quite anything to raya compare to ramadan.

But theres one thing I love about my raya. We'll be going round visiting relatives and my parents long lost friends. Yes, its really tiring but its a must. I think raya is the only id get to meet friends and relatives of the family that i never knew. To know that theres some good-looking, handsome people in the family tree. Its good to know. Especially when you go in convo, lines of cars visiting a house at one time. Its RAYA i tell you.

And thats just it. Its a celebration of food and people for me. and lots of forgiveness-giving.

Selamat Hari Raya.
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

to all.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Something to munch and ponder upon.

Cemburu, kecil hati cetus kecewa
"RAMAI anak muda hari ini tidak faham sejarah, mereka meluahkan kemarahan kerana laporan media massa yang sungguh kuat di sini dan tiada saluran komunikasi dari Malaysia yang memberi penjelasan serta- merta. Pada masa sama ramai juga yang marah dengan sikap rakyat Malaysia, kerana memandang rendah kepada kami. Mentang-mentang banyak rezeki kami peroleh dari anda, janganlah kami dilayan seperti orang tidak berada." [+]

So near yet so far. These grumbling issues of songs and hatred between us Malaysian and Indonesia didnt just happened yesterday or the week before. True. We go history back. and much more in the present. The same goes with Singapore too i guessed. Were the colonial cousin that kills over a flying toy.
We gotta stop doing this, dengki mendengki stuff. Were gonna die of it soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yang Jauh kuDekatkan.

Buat Han Geng dan rakan- rakan.

Balqisto efi mo. Terutama.


Pasti kamu menjadi kawan yang terbaik dalam dunia ini. Musuh mungkin juga. Tapi pasti baik.Untuk semua.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

When Responsibility is just Another

Dihalang ambil UPSR

Oleh Mohamad Hussin

GURUN: “Saya sangat sedih apabila guru mengatakan pada anak saya buat kotor kertas peperikaaan saja sekiranya anak saya mengambil peperiksaan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), baru-baru ini.

“Saya tahu anak saya kurang cerdik, tetapi janganlah dia cakap macam itu. Lebih kecewa guru terbabit kata kalau tak datang satu hari peperiksaan, tidak payah datang langsung,” kata Rohani Ahmad, 45, ibu kepada Mohd Khairul Anuar Md Isa, 12, yang mendakwa anaknya takut ke sekolah kerana ‘fobia’ dengan kata-kata guru Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Paya Mengkuang, kelmarin.

Rohani berkata, dia kesal dengan tindakan pihak sekolah kerana cuba mempermainkan anaknya sehingga dia takut untuk ke sekolah.

“Beberapa hari sebelum menduduki peperiksaan UPSR Selasa lalu, Mohd Khairul ada cakap dengan saya seorang guru bagi tahu supaya tidak perlu datang ke sekolah.

“Dia takut untuk ke sekolah pada hari pertama peperiksaan kerana gurunya pesan supaya jangan datang kerana buat kotor kertas peperiksaan saja.

“Hari kedua saya cuba pujuk dia lagi, tetapi Mohd Khairul tetap berkeras tidak mahu ke sekolah kerana takut dengan guru sekolah,” katanya yang ditemui di rumahnya di Kampung Paya Mengkuang, semalam.

Katanya, pada hari kedua peperiksaan itu, suaminya Md Isa Ahmad, 52, turut menghantar anaknya ke sekolah berkenaan, tetapi sebaik tiba di hadapan pintu sekolah anaknya tidak mahu masuk dan berkeras mahu balik ke rumah.

“Saya sedih sangat sebab anak saya diperlakukan demikian...walaupun dia kurang cerdik, tetapi berilah dia peluang untuk mengambil peperiksaan ini.

“Saya memang tidak berpuas hati dengan pengurusan sekolah. Sepatutnya pihak sekolah menghubungi waris sekiranya terdapat murid mereka yang gagal hadir bagi menduduki peperiksaan UPSR,” katanya yang bekerja sebagai operator pengeluaran di sebuah kilang plastik.

Sementara itu, Guru Besar SK Paya Mengkuang, Hasnah Hussin yang berada di rumah keluarga Mohd Khairul memohon maaf dan menganggap kejadian itu salah faham.

“Saya merayu supaya perkara ini tidak dipanjangkan kerana ia berlaku akibat salah faham. Sudah menjadi kelaziman kepada guru sekolah untuk mengingatkan murid mereka supaya menghadiri kertas peperiksaan UPSR.

“Mungkin guru itu cuma melawak saja, tetapi Mohd Khairul menganggap perkara itu serius."

“Ia sebagai peringatan kepada semua murid supaya jangan ponteng pada hari peperiksaan nanti. Saya mohon maaf kerana salah faham itu.

“Bagi pihak sekolah juga kami berusaha untuk merujuk Mohd Khairul ke sekolah khas,” katanya.


Why do they do that? Why demean his integrity? Why kill his spirit?

Because he's stupid thus hes hopeless? Because he's a speck in the hall tainting his own answer sheets? Who are they to decide his future unworthy? Who are they to say he's stupid? Who are they to tell him he's worthless?

His Teachers. A TEACHER.

For the love of god, hes only 12. 12. and already they're telling him hes not worth of even trying? I don't know what other feels reading this yesterday but it shaded my conscience of the community i'm living in today. We talk of innovation, preservation and humanity for future generation yet we kill the intelligence behind tomorrows prospect. or maybe the innovation and preservation we're deciding on does not concludes those with the iQ below than 50 and poorer?

And oh, they're sorry?? "Mungkin guru itu cuma melawak saja, tetapi Mohd Khairul menganggap perkara itu serius."?!! Hell to you. How should he to know his teacher was joking. and a too cruel and extremely synical to be a statement. Mohd Khairul digested so. When did synical teasing became a tool in effective education. Is that what's replacing rotans and detention? Maybe cause the teaching responsibility today grew to be more than a b cs. Maybe they had too much and decided that those damn kids don't deserve the patience.

But that doesn't give them the right to kill his confidence. the same as you kill a person. TEACHERS they call themselves but they KILLED a kid. That kid is even scared to set foot to school. How would you think hed live from now on? How does his education goes? Physical injuries heals and vanish, but what scarred doesnt. It could take forever for him to redeem himself his own lost faith. God. Dont his teachers know how every human is made of flesh, brain and emotion? He lived only for a 12 damn years to be told he's worthless. Curse those grown ups. Damn those teachers.

I'm not a mother,nor do i have much interaction with kids around me but as far as i see it, kids are kids until theyre able to know whats right and wrong, whether to take or to leave. They see things through our eyes until then. and having said ours are people much older than them, adults. They listen to us untill they're petty enough to deny and storm off at our commands. We tell them don't, never and do. Not they're insignificant and stupid.

Hes only 12. For all we know, he might be stupid now and to him 2+2 don't add up to 4. But thats just how everybody started. Hopefully, and personally, i strongly hope that hed grew up to be someone great and powerful. Be then he'd come back and tell off those teachers and buys their lifes' off. I hope he does.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Poignant Obsession

Can you have something thats not yours?

You can. Hard work and a little brain buys you through.and a little effort. But that depends. How far are you willng to go to make it yours? How hard are you willing to work to own it? Theres always a way in everything. Like, theres always a cure to every disease.

I've to say, the best determination is powered by desire and emotions. The human sense towards another individual, be dead or alive, is amazing. We'd protect others like no steel is stronger, we'd run like no cheetah could, we'd jump off buildings raging love, we'd die trying. Our courage is mighty enough to start another Napolean War. We die, live and die again.

But to some point, there is always a limitation where can't is big in CAPITAL. Theres an end to each start, a price to every effort. Sometimes a NO stays NO, no matter how hard you try. As they say, the sky is the limit. Thats when all became worthless. and pointless. The point of trying, even.

But again, the human ability, confound a world larger than life. We don't stop. We never do. The human obsession is absurd. We'd steal, kidnap, kill and be killed to have what the heart desires.

The heart.

Lets not start on that. Its endless.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ototoimade, i had a lot to write. the bazaar, the merdeka, assignments, tesco, ashraf. ototoimade, dake.


My mind went blank. My words are missing. My thoughts worthless.

im at lost.

Where to begin?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Yesterday was 31st. A quiet 31st August.

I had a three day off, the weekends and the eventful merdeka day on monday. Nothing special happened but i came across a very familiar sight on merdeka eve.

I was driving home from tesco.bought a few cans of coffee to keep me awake throught the night.I need to finish off a few work which i couldve done on the satruday but i didnt. Had to take it till the last day of holidays to settle.You see, to me, holidays are sacred. No work is forceful,rightful enough to be mentioned on my sacred day. So, i sorta trying to finish off last week matters that night.

As it happened, i came across a group of cyclers with flags tied to the tyres and handles.Think theyre from kampung sebelah. A whole gang of indian boys, aged in their teens carrying backpacks and water bottles. So i gave them a headlight and thumbs up as i pass by. They made noises. They must be going on some merdeka tour or something cause i had the same thing back when i was 12. not exactly the same event going on, just the mind set.

We had kak dilah stayed over that night. We were living in Setapak then. So as innocent as we could be, we planned something out. Something for us to boast to our favourite friends the next day we wake up. Innocent at 12 and 14, our world was flat and square. We count down-ed and waiting for 12 pm. The moment midnight came, we pronounced "yea.tade sape jage sampai kul 12!!! Merdeka!". As if 12 was the 12th hour (?). We cheered, talk and laugh till 1230. By 1235, our innocent soul cant take the heap. We were all asleep. The next day, ma dad scolded us for being noisy at 12.

It was funny looking back. I learn something good that night, worth staying up for; the earth is round and bold, no matter how you see it. I got wiser by the midnight.Hah.funny. So as i got home, id hope the kids learned what i did and not get scolded for what theyre doing. Let them and their spirits of merdeka cycle through town. Let them learn.