Monday, November 15, 2010
New Book
Friday, August 27, 2010
Waking up to real-ity.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Weekend Watch
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
well i hate my job.
Im gonna try find a new one after this one end, that is in 2 months time. seriously.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Utusan Malaysia Online - Jenayah
Utusan Malaysia Online - Jenayah
With a parang found in the car? in Shah Alam? whats that for? i doubt theyre weeding. in my opinion, what the police did was merely because they were shock that he got his car reversed towards em. He mishot and unfortunately it killed the driver. the kid was at fault too. it was stupid to go against authority in the first place. shouldve stop when they shot his tyre but no sir, he had to get off. so he really did got off. up.
Lesson 7: Stop when an identified authority starts chasing you. STOP.
and efi posted something bout tablos getting a child so0n. son0 maeni, omedetou gozaimas tablosan. so a story to tell, its funny actually cause last week a found quite an interesting movie to watch over the weekend. so i pick it up to see whos what and what. then i saw kang hye-jung, i was like 'oh.'. letak terus der..letak paling belakang pulak tu. if you cant kill the relationship, kill the career. like duh. seconds later i laugh to myself. what stupid is this. like an x still not over lover spat. stupid. hell i dont even know him. hah. guessed that must be what those diehardfun of suju whatever will feel when they beloved "oppa" got owned. funny. but thats about it. still, i wish em happiness. truly. just hope the child would turn more like the mom. cause the dads crazy (".) they really do look alike, husband and wife.----HOw did i end up talking bout em? dam.
Monday, April 19, 2010
West Wind Blown South.
p/s: how youre doing bruh? all the best staying alive in frankfurt. bwaha.haha.haha.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Epik High Epilogue
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Here Here
p/s: noticed hyukjae was very 'cool' on interview program. he has that very steady expression and half serious. but when he says a word, it kills. You can't stop laughing.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Adventure
couldn't stay long cause ive to catch up 1n2d i missed on saturday night. 'GoDreamTeam' was still playing when i turned on the tv. Honki was innit. He couldnt lift up the trishaw
and oh. ive seen Bong Joon-Ho's MOTHER movie starring Won Bin and Kim Hye-Ja. I wanted to see it because ive seen WonBin acting a serious character in 'Taegukgi'. So i have to see this one. Found it at my usual DVD stop. Bought it straight away. Review; 4 thumbs up. Story of a mother keeping her boy safe. A good watch for all kids and be reminded how protective parents can be. Love dakara. So. Watch it sometime when you got the time.
One of the best korea movie 2009 i supposed. It competed with Tsunami at Haeundae. Nomited quite a lot. So.But despite all the award, its a good movie standing alone. Seriously.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wake Up Call
when actually i havent finish my financial account yet. damn. dreams sure got ways to get you up and rising. and why siwon i dont know. maybe because i read through a few of hangeng stuff that caught me up with hangeng best brother choi. messed up arent i
Lesson 6: Puff the Magic Dragon
It's a sad thing to leave a childhood friend, especially when it got you wondering whether you'd be remember or forgotten. It's just sad...
A song originally sung by Peter, Paul and Mary. Heard it for the first time at SuperShow2 Bukit Jalil. They say its a song about Marijuana and War items. My innocent mind tells me its the Dragon. Just Dragon.
Puff the Magic Dragon
And froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,
and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name. Oh!
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.
A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant strings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play, along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!
Peter, Paul and Mary
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
the Second Wave
There were talks bout the Malaysia fans didn't treat the boys royal enough.This kind of talk can only be understood by diehardfans (which fortunately most korean celebs has)and their haters. and too that SuJu didn't gave the Malaysian their all if to compare the concert be held in Singapore or Thailand. The way i see it- hell i don't care if they gave double standard performance. Seeing em alive is enough as heaven brought down to earth to me. To hell with the double standard. Too bad but us Malaysian,we're so used to it that we don't give a damn. It was ecstatic enough to see eunhyuk jumping around and kicking everybodys butt. If 3 hours of show and 35 song ain't good enough for you then you must be talking bout a different Super Junior; the Martian SuJu. It't good enough they'd chose to have it here than there, where ever the standards said to be higher.
But I've to say that sorry we didn't treat you royal enough. but you know, we'll be always be with you in your ups and down. Even if you fall, we'll be there to catch and walk you through. Say, that accounts for nearly most of the girls in asia you know.and US.and Canada. and Australia.Well..half of planet earth maybe.
Todays thestar mentioned hangeng, kangin, and kibum were unable to join their bandmates ~sigh~ i miss my HanGeng. and wouldnt it be better seeing all 13 standing together, like the way we used to see em. It would be much better.that will for sure bring the house down. definitely!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bukit Jalil Stormed.
20 Mac 2010 (Saturday)
Stadium Nasional, Bukit Jalil

SUPER JUNIOR: still standing

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Lesson 5: Things They Don't Teach at School
Bersangka Baik.
Kalau orang da suluh tu kasik clearla jalan. Sungguhpun kau lelaki tapi kau bawak kereta macam ayam. Tolongla blah sikit.
Berlaku Jujur.
Kalau customer da kata beliau tade duet kecik, TIDAK ADA la maknanya tu. Perlula kau mengeluh tiada balance. Kau kan kedai, aku customer. keBETAan itu tertakluk pada kuasa aku sahaja. Kau ikut. Tidak ada demokrasi di sini.
Memberi Peluang.
Apa kau ingat kereta kau BMW kau boleh nak samseng2 sesuka hati kau. Dah padan muka. kan dah sangkut belakang lori balak. Jalan ni kita kongsi satu Malaysia bro. 1 Malaysia!
Dunia ini kecil. Hari ni mungkin kau boleh pecut laju. Esok lusa siapa tahu, kereta BMW kau tu pancit, aku jugak yang baik hati nak menjawab 'panggilan haji' kau. Ya aku tahu kau di China. tapi itu sempadan semata. Manusia tersambung dengan jiwa dan gerak hati. Macam kau dan akulah itu ibaratnya.
Ini hakikat. Mereka tak ajar ini di sekolah.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Lesson 4: Humanoforlogy.
Friedrich Nietzsche

i've been looking for this story all over msia but it aint here. yet? i dont know. but its a story id like to see. another human side told from another window. something that we all have. and experienced. truely as it conveys;
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
super show 2

super juniors having a concert 20 Mac 2010. in KL. some of me peers are already excited bout it. well you can guess the patch; me aqis and efii. cost me a month of shopping spree but i still am excited as hoo yo. as hell. even got myself some shoe with matching color. so called sapphire blue. dang.

my mom once said this.we were watching chong wei on tv. seeing all the badminton fans went crazy and mad over a shuttlecock and a netted steel. she went;
so sometime ago, he played at bukit jalil. we went to see jagoh badminton no.1 dunia play at bukit jalil. and this time around, super junior? like yea i was drooling over han geng like since 3 years ago. hello. but words are spreading that he wont make it this supershow2. hes leaving the troop. heh. how sad can that be. im still going with the semangat 13. for the rest of hangeng. or whats left of him. i thought efi was pulling my leg when they say theyre getting tickets to super show 2. then no.1 dunia shook me.
Monday, February 8, 2010
untuk Sarah
Ye, im not in your shoe. I dont understand you. sure. I couldnt agree more. but you can always tell, make me understand. For being harsh and true, im sorry but thats just me being me. dan jadi orang memang susah. Ini kebenaran. Aku harap aku takkan pernah perlu lalu dalam kasut kau, untuk semua yang aku pertahankan untuk aku, ashraf dan riana. Kalau aku sesekali terharus, god, help me.
If you think im too much of a friend to care for you, then you should find some other that doesnt.
p/s:for the record, people repents. ashraf did too.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Mahathir: 9/11 was staged
Thursday January 21, 2010
KUALA LUMPUR: There is strong evidence that the Sept 11 attacks on the United States that killed nearly 3,000 could have been “staged” as an excuse to mount attacks on the Muslim world, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“I am not sure now that Muslim terrorists carried out these attacks. There is evidence that the attacks were staged.
“If they can make Avatar, they can make anything,” the former prime minister told a press conference here yesterday after delivering his speech at the General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds to aid the Palestinians.
He said killing innocent people to provide an excuse for war was not new to the US.
“But whether real or staged, the 9/11 attacks have served the United States and Western countries well. They have an excuse to mount attacks on the Muslim world,” he added.
Mahathir also criticised US President Barack Obama for failing to fulfil his promises concerning the country’s commitment in West Asia, including his promise to resolve the prevailing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“I am a bit disappointed because so far none of his promises have been kept. He promised to get out from Afghanistan but he ended up sending more troops there instead.
“He promised to close down Guantanamo but he has not closed down Guantanamo.
“It is quite easy to promise during election time but you know there are forces in the United States which prevent the President from doing some things. One of the forces is the Jewish lobby, AIPAC,” he said.
On another issue, Dr Mahathir said he supported the plan to set up the inter-faith council as it could help promote effective understanding among religious groups in the country.
Such a council, he said, would provide a platform for people to talk about sensitive religious matters reasonably without taking it to the streets.
Earlier in his speech, Dr Mahathir spoke about the Palestinians’ claim on their land in West Asia which he said was based on legitimate grounds.
He said one of the greatest injustices done was to take Palestinian land to give to the Jews to create the state of Israel.
Later in Putrajaya, Dr Mahathir said the opinions of “powerful nations” should not deter Malaysia from continuing with its effort to help Palestine.
He was speaking at a ceremony to hand over certificates of appreciation to nine Malaysians who were part of the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza.
garangkan beliau menyuarakan pendapat. melayu yang bergerak. melayu yang ada suara dan minda. aku mahu menjadi itu.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My New Found Love
another gang like the F.T Island? I dont know. havent got the time to go through their history profile yet. but they got good musics. this one for example
no. third after super junior.
wait. fourth? after ft. island.
....big bang? i dont know anymore.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lesson 3: I+YOU=US
I have MY life
we are different.
MY needs are different from YOURS. what I want for MYSELF is not the same as YOURS. this is OUR SELFISHNESS. deny not because it is the humane nature. we cannot be on one side until we can mend our differences, comprise our benefits. we shall not be one until we can sort out our believes and find the similarities in it. we are different simply just because. so until that,
I am ME
sore dake.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
han geng
venue : rest1, kajang
situation: casual buddy-talk over cheese naan, roti canai and teh tarik. seated out unroof-ed. a gang of rouge and work out people get seated at the next table.
puteri: woh.han geng.
-raf and james turn.-
james : sape?
puteri : han geng.
raf : your kawanka?
puteri : tet. teka lagi.
raf : what? takkan bf baru pulak?
puteri : ping pong.
raf : serius?!
puteri : serius.
james : serius tipu..(smoking off dunhill)
puteri : seriusla..tgk muke bete.ada main2?
raf : dak mana?
puteri : korea.
-moments after was the silentest one can get. gagak breakthrough.-
raf : bos! kira.