i have no patience for technology.
my phone passed out and recovered itself yesterday. the second time it did. how it died? i was trying to feed it with a few text pages i googled. too much of reading perhaps, it died on me so well and reboot itself. so all it left me yesterday was whatever was saved in the 2G outlet and a scrap of plastic casing with numbered pads.
how i despise csl yesterday. the only thing i didnt do was drown it. which i wouldve regret if i did. the messages, the vip list, best bud, james and monalisa are gone good. GONE.
i swear im gonna sell this phone cheap if it ever dies on me again. damn i will. thousand times i will.
to whoever reads this, gimme a call watever. i need to rebuild my communication network.
my phone passed out and recovered itself yesterday. the second time it did. how it died? i was trying to feed it with a few text pages i googled. too much of reading perhaps, it died on me so well and reboot itself. so all it left me yesterday was whatever was saved in the 2G outlet and a scrap of plastic casing with numbered pads.
how i despise csl yesterday. the only thing i didnt do was drown it. which i wouldve regret if i did. the messages, the vip list, best bud, james and monalisa are gone good. GONE.
i swear im gonna sell this phone cheap if it ever dies on me again. damn i will. thousand times i will.
to whoever reads this, gimme a call watever. i need to rebuild my communication network.
hp bru tu ke mek??
bukan baru bli ke??
bole kasik masuk longkang.dye reset diri sendiri.apehal tah.angin aku.sume num hilang.ngan mesej2 sume hilang.
bli 1 lg cek mar...
org kayah~~
kayapp adele..
seriously.whats wrong with teknologi zaman sekarang ni? nokia tampal2 aku tu pun hidup hardcore kuar masuk tank tuntung rotifer sume.diver sudaa.ni nak charge pun sempat hilang data sume.apekes apehal.
worst come to worst,im gonna go bak basic.
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