Life to a child is everything he touches, hears and smells until they grow to discriminate and hate.
(Aku, 2009)

When his family arrive at Aushwitz, Bruno and his 12-year-old-sister are conveniently the only children in the vicinity, other than those on the other side of the fence. This again stretches credibility because historical records show that about 6,000 SS officers were posted at Auschwitz, so it seems extremely unlikely that other children would not have been around. Then there is the issue of how Bruno could posesibly have talked with his friend on the other side of the fence for months without being seen, or ever comprehending that Shmuel is starving (he absentmindedly brings him food from time to time but usually ends up eating most of it on the way). Not to mention the inconvenient detail that by 1943 most young children arriving at the camps were gassed on arrival (the book jacket pegs the year being 1942, but various references point to it being 1943).

The Boy in Striped Pyjama
Berlin 1942
When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his belongings are being packed in crates. His father has received a promotion and the family must move from their home to a new house far far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall fence running alongside stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people he can see in the distance.
But Bruno lon
gs to be an explorer and decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than meets the eye. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.

When his family arrive at Aushwitz, Bruno and his 12-year-old-sister are conveniently the only children in the vicinity, other than those on the other side of the fence. This again stretches credibility because historical records show that about 6,000 SS officers were posted at Auschwitz, so it seems extremely unlikely that other children would not have been around. Then there is the issue of how Bruno could posesibly have talked with his friend on the other side of the fence for months without being seen, or ever comprehending that Shmuel is starving (he absentmindedly brings him food from time to time but usually ends up eating most of it on the way). Not to mention the inconvenient detail that by 1943 most young children arriving at the camps were gassed on arrival (the book jacket pegs the year being 1942, but various references point to it being 1943).
Its a good watch if youre a fan of the russian-germans war history, genocide issue. Even if youre not, It is still a good watch. It potrays the human meaning in humanity and how childhood innocence is the only hope in this corrupted world of ours. I may sound exaggerating but this is it. Fikirlah sendiri. Kadang-kadang, tak, memang aku penat dengan birokrasi dan dokma-dokma orang-orang besar yang menggariskan keperluan itu dan ini, memaklumkan perang bukan dengan grenad dan mk14, tapi pengekstrakan tenaga dan pelelahan minda umat kecil yang optimum. Sakit.
Maka bercita-citalah aku menjadi orang yang besar.
Maka bercita-citalah aku menjadi orang yang besar.
cte ni yg ari2 apis ader dload kan..
bile apis donlod?
cet.19.90 begitu saja.
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